Contact us and save your future" 9819447235/9819997235 -Gopal Ugade
- LIC operate all over India 8 Zonal Office, 109 Divisional Office, and 2048 Branches. All Branches are Connected through WAN / LAN. Agent 13 Lac Agent & 30 Crores Policyholder. Total fund in LIC Rs.13,00,000/- crored & LIC’ 4th Rank in world
- Highest claim settlement record in the world. LIC offer you customized insurance products that suitable your specific needs and help you plan for a secure future.
- LIC policies have the seal of Government Guarantee that no other insurer else has.
- People have Trust, faith and Reliability on LIC insurance products which means selling LIC Policies is easier.
- As per the survey conducted by E . T. in 2003 LIC has ranked number
1 in the list of India’s
Top 50 most trusted service Brands.
Life insurance is a protection in the form of coverage that is provided to various individuals or group of people. It is way of investment and a security for your family as it acts as a protection cover in case of unpleasant incidents. Not only the security or investment, it also deals with various economic or educational needs of the policy holder.
The life insurance corporation of India, a
government project came up with the objective of giving out life insurance
policies to the maximum people with a view of spreading information about the
policy in the all the corners of the country including the rural areas. The
company was founded on 1st September, 1956 with distinguished goals. And as per
the growing fame and success of this company it’s obvious that the goals and
objectives were well achieved.
The main purpose of the life insurance is to
provide cover to the individual in affordable rates. There are many add on
benefits also like tax benefits and the investment plans which make sure you
are satisfied with the amount you pay. This way, it has successfully managed to
establish its company and create 8 zonal offices, 109 divisional offices, 2048
branch offices, which is a great achievement in itself. Over the past 55 years,
LIC has
made enormous growth with good profit as well as providing security to the
people as per their needs.
The life insurance corporation has a large number
of policies for individuals, students, old age people, retire people, but there
is a need to study the rules or conditions is each policy so as to know the
exact suitable policy as per you need. So it’s necessary that you go and buy
the policy through an insurance agent, as they are professionals and can
provide you better judgement about the required subject.
The different existing policies are unit linked
plans, endowment policies, health plans, pension plans, joint plans, etc which
are standardized as per your requirements. The best thing is to be well
informed and choose the policy as per your needs and affordability.
Why Life Insurance??????????????????WHY LIC :
Savings through life insurance guarantee full protection against risk of death of the saver.
Aid To Thrift:
Life insurance encourages 'thrift'. It allows long-term savings since payments can be made effortlessly because of the 'easy instalment' facility built into the scheme. (Premium payment for insurance is either monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly).
In case of insurance, it is easy to acquire loans on the sole security of any policy that has acquired loan value. Besides, a life insurance policy is also generally accepted as security, even for a commercial loan.
Tax Relief:
Life Insurance is the best way to enjoy tax deductions on income tax and wealth tax. This is available for amounts paid by way of premium for life insurance subject to income tax rates in force.
Assessees can also avail of provisions in the law for tax relief. In such cases the assured in effect pays a lower premium for insurance than otherwise.
Money When You Need It:
A policy that has a suitable insurance plan or a combination of different plans can be effectively used to meet certain monetary needs that may arise from time-to-time.
Children's education, start-in-life or marriage provision or even periodical needs for cash over a stretch of time can be less stressful with the help of these policies.
Alternatively, policy money can be made available at the time of one's retirement from service and used for any specific purpose, such as, purchase of a house or for other investments. Also, loans are granted to policyholders for house building or for purchase of flats (subject to certain conditions).
Who Can Buy A Policy?
Any person who has attained majority and is eligible to enter into a valid contract can insure himself/herself and those in whom he/she has insurable interest.
Are you looking for your LIC policy status? It is your responsibility to keep yourself updated and do not let your LIC policy lapse before the maturity period. Many of us just rely on our LIC agent. Apart from LIC Agent, you should also know how to check the LIC policy status yourself. World’s largest life insurance company “Life Insurance Corporation of India” (LIC of India) has millions of policyholders and millions of lic policy being issued every year.
Benefits/Objectives of checking your LIC Policy status periodically.
- To know the current value of your LIC policy
- To make sure every information is accurate
- To avoid policy being lapsed
- To know when your premiums are due
- To Know how much loan you can avail on your policy (If applicable)
1. Your LIC Agent:
You can call your LIC Agent and ask him/her to provide the SR (Status Report) of your LIC policy, which is actually a print out of all the information of your policy. LIC agents also has access to Agents portal, where they can check the policy details and send you a screenshot or email the details to your email address.
2. LIC Helpline 1251
You can call toll-free LIC helpline No. 1251 (from MTNL or BSNL Phones) and quote your LIC Policy number on IVR to check the status. LIC of India has a dedicated contact center and helpline number, where you can call and get all the information regarding your policy, loan, surrender value, due date and other useful information that you may want.
3. Check your policy details online:
You can also check your policy details online by logging into your account on if you don’t have the account on official LIC website yet, you may register and add your policy in your account. To register your account, you need to have your LIC policy number, Premium amount etc.
4. Policy status by SMS
LIC of India is keen to utilize the latest technology to provide best service to their policyholders. Now you can also check the policy status by SMS. You can check the following details:
For example:
AskLIC 888812345 Loan
and send it to 56677
Using all the methods above, you can check your LIC policy status online, by sms, by phone, Anytime and anywhere.
2) Crorepati Plan -
3) Balvidya - Child Career
LIC Jeevan Saral
LIC Jeevan Saral Features:
- Higher life insurance cover
- Good return
- partial withdrawals
- Double accidental benefit
- LIC Monthly Recurring scheme
- This is better than post office deposits and you can deposit Yearly, Half yearly, Quarterly and monthly basis.
- Tax Benefit: Premium and Maturity both receive tax benefit.
- The premium paid is exempted under section 80c of income Tax act while Maturity is exempted under s 10-10D
- Higher life cover at very affordable premium
- Unlimited partial withdrawals after 10 years (ATM Plan)
- Risk cover continues for one year, even if you forget to pay your premium on time.
- You can choose a maximum term and surrender anytime prior to maturity without any fine or surrender charge after 5 year.
- Term Riders can be optionally chosen to get more risk cover
(Excluding first years premium and rider premium if any), plus the Loyalty Addition, if any.
Maturity Benefit: Sum Assured plus Loyalty additions, if any.
Surrender value: After 3 years of policy, you may surrender your Jeevan Saral policy.
Guaranteed Surrender value: it will be equal to the 30% of total amount paid minus first years premium.
Eligibility for Jeevan Saral Policy:
- Minimum Age at Entry: 12 years.
- Maximum Age at Entry: 60 years.
- Maximum Maturity Age: 70 years.
- Minimum Term: 10 years.
- Maximum Term: 35 years.
- 12 to 49 years: Minimum Premium Rs.250/month
- 50 to 60 years: Minimum Premium Rs.400/month
- Maximum Premium: Rs. 10,000/month
- Policy Loan: Yes at 10.5%
If 25 years old Mr. Anna apply for LIC Jeevan Saral plan for 15 years and pay Rs.500/month premium. If he opts for Double accidental benefit then he will pay DAB premium of Rs.510 (500 x 250 = 1,25,000 x 1/1000 x 1/12 = 10 + 510). After 15 year on maturity Anna will receive Rs.97655/- as sum assured + Loyalty Addition. Loyalty additions will be decided by the LIC. If Anna expires after 4 years, his nominee will receive Rs.1,25,000 (250 x 500) + premium paid for 4 years – first years premium = 1,25,000 + 24,480 – 6120 = 1,43,360/- + Loyalty Addition, if any.
something special for your wife and family which makes them feel as if you are
always with them.
1) Insurance
– DAB – Natural Death & Accidental Death.
2) Loan - Personal Loan + Home Loan – After 3 Years 9
% interest.
– Extended Permanent Disability Benefit
50% Maturity get that time – after 10% of Sum Assured for next 10 years
(as Pension) – after Premium are waived and Last full maturity.
4) Term Rider
- 1 Sum Assured Extra.
5) Critical
Illness Rider – 11 illness - Heart
Attack, Cancer, Transplant – Hearts, lungus, liver kidney Pan-creas bone
marrow, Kidney failure, 50% fire injured, Blindness, Blockage, Heart wall,
Aorta Graft etc.
6) Saving
& Future Planning (Child, Pension, Need)
7) Income
Tax Benefits, Tax Free – It rebate U/s. 80 C of Income Tax Act. & Maturity receivable Totally Tax Free –
u/s 10 (10D0 of Income Tax.
8) In
Maturity – Settlement Option – 5, 10, 15, 20 years with 4.5% interest.
9) Higher
cover, Smooth return, liquidity and lot of flexibility.
10) Premium
waiver benefits.
11) Money
Back Policy, Child Policy, Pension Policy, Term Insurance, Mediclaim Policy,
Ulip Policy, Fix deposit, Single Premium.
12) Special
13) Govt.
Authority : -
Policies to be Guaranteed by : The Central Government
The sums assured by all policies by the Corporation including any
bounses in respect there of and subject to the provisions contained in section
14 the amounts assured by all policies issued by any insurer the liabilities
under which have vastueed in the corporation under this act all bouneses
declared in respect thereof wheither before or after the appointed day shall be
guaranteed as to payment incase by the Central Government ( Section 37 of LIC
ACT 1956.)
(High Risk, Smooth Return)
Insure Today for Better Tomorrow
LIC for every need :
is unpredictable. To help you take control of your life, you need insurance.
Which brings us to the most common dilemma you face: what to choose. That’s why
there is Life Insurance Corporation.
biggest life insurance company in India,
with a network of over 11 lakh agents and 2048 branches all over India.
With the highest claim settlement record in the world and a customer base of
over 20 crore policy holders, LIC brings with it a world of experience. LIC
Offers you customized insurance products that suit your specific needs, and
help you plan for a secure future.
Introduction :
Saral is new-generation plan, which primarily covers risk and has a blend of
innovative flexible features. It is a unique plan having good features of the
conventional plans and the flexibility of unit-linked plans. To the policy
holder it provides higher cover, a smooth return, liquidity and a lot of
flexibility. This plan will cater to those who perceive insurance more as
financial protection and wish to make provision for future contingencies.
this plan, death cover will be same irrespective of age at entry and term but
the sum payable at maturity will differ for different entry ages and terms. The
plan is ideally suited to those who may need money for life contingencies,
education of children, salaried persons as also for those with uncertain income
as there is a facility of auto cover in case premium due remains unpaid for 1
year, after 3 years premiums have been paid. Auto cover will continue for a
period of 1 year.
of LIC policy:-
- This is like a Post office’s Recurring deposit scheme, you can deposit Yearly, Half-yearly, Quarterly, Salary Saving Scheme (SSS) or Monthly (ECS) in LIC scheme.
- Maturity received in LIC scheme is Tax Free under section 10-10d of Income Tax act.
- You can withdraw partial or full amount if necessary after 10 years.
- The amount deposited in LIC is exempted under section 80c of Income Tax act.
- You can continue LIC scheme after 10 years. You cannot continue Post Office scheme after 10 years.
- In case of death 250 times monthly premium + Total Premium paid – (1st years premium & Extra premium paid) + LA if any payable.
- You can reduce the premium after 3 (Three) years if you require.
- Loan facility available, Policy can be Assigned.
- Same Premium of All Age.
- A Unique plan providing higher cover, a smooth return, liquidity and a lot of flexibility.
- You can reduce Term.
- After 3 years ATM facility.
- Auto Cover facility.
- Pension Policy
- Money Back Policy.
- For Example:-
person is paying Rs.1000/- monthly
his Insurance will be Rs.2,50,000/-
In case of natural death also if a person dies through Accident then there will
be Risk Cover of Rs.5,00,000/-.
Maturity amount after
11 yrs = Rs.2,50,101/-
16 yrs = Rs.5,03,366/-
21 yrs = Rs.8,94,583/-
LIC Policy required Document :
1) Passport
2) Date
of Birth Proof : Leaving Certificate /Pan Card/Driving License / Passport.
3) Address
proof : Ration Card / Electricity Bill/ Bank Passbook/ Voter ID.
4) Payment
: Cheque / Cash.
LIC Lauched New Child Plan - Jeevan Ankur
Ensure your child's Future -fully.
Why to Purchase ?
Because is conveys the most important message to
your child -
1) That he/she is the prime focus of your life
2) That savings are important
3) That security is important.
Good Child plan for Your Children - Manimum
Premium & Maximum Returns.
Premium Waiver Benifit & Accidental Benifit,
Tax Saving and many more

We Serve you better in the Following :
Area Navi Mumbai, Mumbai, Vashi, Thane.
* Assist you in Tax Planning
* Creating and Managing the Portfolio
* Assist in Maturity , Death and Other Survival Claim
* Planning for regular Income
* developing the Pension Fund for old Age
* All services related to Old and New LIC Policies
* Family Mediclaim Policy
*Servicing Like :
# Premium Payment
# Revival of Policies
# Maturity / Servival / death Claim
# Get Loan against your Policy
LIC Launched New Policy - LIC New Jeevan Nidhi
LIC NEW JEEVAN NIDHI (Plan no 812) is a deferred pension plan which is launched on 2nd JAN 2013.New Jeevan Nidhi also provides a risk cover during the deferment period. The USP of the New Jeevan Nidhi plan being the pension can commence at 55 years.
The premiums paid are exempt under Section 80CCC of Income Tax Act
Get a personalized presentation of LIC New Jeevan Nidhi by filling the form at the end
•Life Protection ~
Insurance Cover upto Date of Vesting
•Pension ~
Option To purchase an Immediate Annuity (0r)
To purchase New Single Premium Deferred Pension Plan
•Guaranteed Additions ~
For the first 5 years @ Rs.50‰ Basic Sum Assured
•Participation in Profits ~
After 6th policy year, benefit of Vested Bonus and Final Additional Bonus.
•Flexibility ~
Premium Payment Frequency-Single Premium,Yearly,Half-yearly,Quarterly,Monthly(ECS/SSS)
•Customization ~ Option for Accident Benefit Rider under Regular Premium Policies only
LIC’s Flexi Plus
LIC’s Flexi Plus is a unit
linked assurance plan, which not only provides a lump sum benefit on
death but also the maturity benefit irrespective of the survival of the
Policyholder. This plan is specially designed for you to provide a
very good combination of protection and long term savings and also
provides you greater flexibility to build a better life and realise
your dreams.Key benefits under this plan are:
- Flexibility to choose the policy term
- Flexibility to choose the premium paying mode as per your convenience
- Flexibility to choose from 2 fund types to suit your investment needs
- Flexibility of partial withdrawals to meet your emergency needs
- Payment of Premiums: You may pay premiums regularly at yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly (through ECS mode only) intervals over the term of the policy.
A grace period of 30 days will be allowed for payment of yearly or half-yearly or quarterly premiums and 15 days for monthly (ECS) premiums.
- Eligibility Conditions And Other Restrictions:
(b) Maximum Age at entry - 50 years (nearest birthday)
(c) Maximum Maturity Age - 60 years (nearest birthday)
(e) Policy Term - 10 to 20 years
(f) Premium Amount -
Mode | Minimum (Rs.) | Maximum (Rs.) |
Yearly |
Half-Yearly |
Quarterly |
Monthly (ECS) |
(h) Sum Assured under the Plan -
(10 * annualized premium) or (105% of the total premiums paid including any premiums which have fallen due but not paid), whichever is higher
- Investment of Funds:
Fund Type | Investment in Government / Government Guaranteed Securities / Corporate Debt | Short-term investments such as money market instruments | Investment in Listed Equity Shares | Details and objective of the fund for risk /return | SFIN No. |
Debt Fund
Mixed Fund
Not less than 60%
Not less than 45%
Not more than 40%
Not more than 40%
Not less than 15% &
Not more than 25% |
Low risk
Steady Income –Lower to Medium risk
ULIF00118 0912LICFLX+DBT512
ULIF00218 0912LICFLX+MIX512
- Method of Calculation of Unit price: Units will be allotted based on the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the respective fund as on the date of allotment. There is no Bid-Offer spread (the Bid price and Offer price of units will both be equal to the NAV). The NAV will be computed on daily basis and will be based on investment performance and Fund Management Charge of each type of fund and shall be computed as:
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